?Apple iTunes? Free Stream Guns Akimbo

?Apple iTunes? Free Stream Guns Akimbo




  • Rhys Darby
  • writer Jason Lei Howden
  • Comedy
  • rating 19587 Votes
  • brief Guns Akimbo is a movie starring Samara Weaving, Daniel Radcliffe, and Rhys Darby. A guy relies on his newly-acquired gladiator skills to save his ex-girlfriend from kidnappers
  • Runtime 98 M


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Daniel Radcliffe is turning into a great actor. The scenario was fast and exiting. A lot of the dialogue was very funny. I wouldn"t do that if I was you, you"ll just end up blowing your damn face off. Then you"ll still be depressed, even more depressed probably because of your f#cked up face." It"s a movie worth watching. Damn... Hogwarts really went downhill the last couple of years.


Everyone: Talks about Harry Potter after Hogwarts. Me: an intellectual Coran really let himself go after the Voltron series finale.

This is like if GTA and Ready Player One had a movie baby

What is TRUE humility? See: Daniel Radcliffe. The sequel should have his arms be high-tech cyber prosthesis so he can have gun hands! Guns Akimbo 2: Hand Gun Boogaloo. These are my guns, Avra and Kedavra. I walk myself out. Very very violent - just like TV and games - but funny too. Always grand to see you on screen. Voldemort: Nothing can beat my killing curse! Harry, guns bolted to both hands: Uno Reverse Card. It"s been quite a while since i had so much fun with a movie
i won"t say much to not spoil, but if you liked "Shoot "Em Up. Mayhem" and "happy" you cant miss this movie
altough very violent its more like tarantino, its exagerated and more likle a satire. Hey Carnage could you do an kill count of Gate: Jieitai Kanochi nite, Kaku Tatakaeri? it would be a honor if you do that.

This movie had a lot of problems. Guns Akimbo takes itself way to seriously. When I saw the trailer I was expecting a self aware comedy starring Daniel Radcliffe, but that is not what I got. The movie was every predictable and all the twists were pretty obvious. But I would be lying if I said that I didn"t laugh a couple times during the movie. Not because the jokes were good or anything, but because it was so bad it was funny. The spinning camera shots they kept doing in the first half of the movie was hilarious and I can tell that they weren"t going for that when shooting there fight scenes like that.
Contrast to everything that I just said, this movie will be a good time. Daniel Radcliffe is easily the bet part of this movie. Nix"s character is really one dimensional and dull. And Natasha Liu Bordizzo"s character was not that good either. The film makers tried to make us feel something in Nix"s death scene. But I couldn"t care less about that character.
In conclusion I would recommend this movie to anyone who is looking for stupid comedy and wants a good time.

It must have been really hard to clean yourself while using the toilet with guns attached to your hands, one wrong swipe and BOOM! ??. When Daniel looks like a poor man"s john wick :joy. I"m pretty excited for this. ‘When I was a kid I wanted to be a hero, but instead I grew up to be a nobody HA, MY LIFE IN A SENTENCE! ??. So this is an NPC becomming sentient? Detroit: Become Human. 4:04 thats an Airsoft gun.

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